
The Dogan was an upper-level demonic assassin with multiple powers which were stolen from other demons. The Dogan had the power to absorb the essence of other magical beings, killing them and taking their powers in the process. He could be vanquished with a potion and the Power of Three.


With the Charmed Ones back, the Dogan wanted to lead the Underworld and began collecting powers by stealing from other demons. Billie Jenkins had been tracking him and targeted him at Magic School. However, when she saw the Dogan, it triggered a painful memory of the night her sister Christy was kidnapped.

After Billie believed she had erased her memory of the kidnapping with a spell, she confronted the Dogan and Tomar in an alley. When she tried to attack him, her memory resurfaced once again and the Dogan chased her off. He then confronted Abet and absorbed his powers.

After casting the memory spell again, Billie returned to the alley and threw a potion, which the Dogan deviated at Tomar, vanquishing him. She proceeded to throw several potions at him, forcing him to retreat to Magic School.

The Dogan attacked Billie at her dorm room and overpowered her, though Paige orbed her out just in time. He then teleported to the manor and took Billie to Magic School, where she was finally able to vanquish him with a potion the sisters gave her by tossing it into his mouth. His mask was the only thing that remained.

Book of Shadows[]

The Dogan had an entry in the Book of Shadows, which mentioned by Billie. However, it was never seen, so its content is unknown.

Powers and Abilities[]

Active Powers
  • Telekinesis: The ability to move objects and individuals with one's mind.
    • Deviation: The ability to use a power to deflect magical energies and objects back in the direction they came from. The Dogan used this to redirect a potion thrown at him, into the path of his minion instead.
  • Energy Ball: The ability to throw spheres of electrically charged energy.
  • Power Absorption: The ability to absorb the magical powers of other beings. In the Dogan's case, it killed them in the process.
  • Shimmering: The ability to teleport through shimmering.
  • Super Strength: The ability to possess strength beyond humanly possible. The Dogan effortlessly lifted Abet and threw Billie.
  • Shapeshifting: The ability to alter one's appearance. The Dogan absorbed this power from Abet, though he never used it.
  • Sensing: The ability to sense the location of other beings. The Dogan was able to find Billie twice.
Other Powers
  • High Resistance: The ability to be highly resistant to physical and magical harm. The Dogan was powerful enough to resist Billie's potions.



The Dogan appeared in a total of 1 episode throughout the course of the series.
