
The Crimson Spell is the 3rd of the Charmed novels.

It takes place between Season 2 Episode 4 The Devil's Music and Episode 9 Ms. Hellfire, as P3 has already gotten its big break, but Prue has not yet received her power of Astral Projection.


Evil thoughts and dark desires
Boil and burn in a wicked brew!
Throw hate and fear into the fire
May friends and lovers both be true

Prue, Piper and Phoebe don't know that a coven of warlocks is hunting them. They don't know that one of the warlocks has entered their lives disguised as a friend. And they don't know the coven's mission—to drain them of their magical powers, even if it means destroying them to do it!

Now the Charmed Ones must figure out which of their friends is really their enemy.

Because sometimes what you don't know—can kill you.

The story centers around a plot by a warlock who has disguised himself as a friend of the Charmed Ones and is now draining their magical powers. Will the Charmed Ones figure out who is friend or foe before they are too weak?





Magical Notes


To Free A Loved One From A Warlock's Grasp

Loosen knots, dark magic unbind,
Free the one whose heart is tied to mine!

To Redirect Binding Magic

Green as grass, green as the ocean's curl,
Light become web and bind he who'd harm the girl.
Green is the light, green shall it bend,
Bind this warlock and hold till time's end!

To Free Someone From Magical Binds (Reversed Version)

Use if your powers turn against you
Ropes that bind, bind tighter still.
Confound me not, obey my will.

To Unbind (Reversed Version)

Magic strands with power true,
Never fail to bind these two.

To Restore Inverted Powers

Magic that binds will now unbind,
Restore their powers in full and in kind.

To Bind the Coven Master With Magic

Bind him hard, bind him fast.
Throughout time shall this spell last.



Notes and Trivia

  • On the Russian version cover page it mistakenly shows Phoebe, Piper and Paige of the 5th season.
  • Phoebe has her own car in this novel, while on the show, she doesn't get one until before A Witch's Tail, Part 1.


  • While freezing Celeste, Piper noticed when her power was wearing off. This is inaccurate as the negation is instantaneous.
  • Noted in the book, Prue has some innate sensing ability, demonstrated when Adrienne tried to project telekinetic powers.

International titles

  • French: Le sortilège écarlate (The Crimson Spell)
  • Russian: Aloje koldovstvo (Scarlet Witchcraft)
  • British: The Crimson Spell