
The Mind Link spell is written in the Book of Shadows to harness mental energy to create a link between the minds of two or more individuals.


In 2001, Phoebe Halliwell and Paige Matthews used this spell to enter the mind of Piper Halliwell after The Source of All Evil had kidnapped her and trapped her in an illusionary world in her mind.

The Source wanted to manipulate Piper into giving up her magic by convincing her that magic was not real and that she was in a mental ward. Her sisters then entered the illusionary world to convince her magic was real. However, it was ultimately Leo who convinced his wife not to give up her magic.[1]


(Book of Shadows:)

Mind Link

Harness your mental energy
by reciting this spell whithin
a circle of candles
Life to Life
And Mind to Mind
Our Spirits now
will intertwine.
We meld our Souls
and journey to
the one whose thoughts
we wish we knew.

To Break a Mind Link

Recite this spell
Life from Life
and Mind from Mind
Our spirits now
will disentwine.
We part our souls
and journey home
to let our thoughts
be on their own.


