
"My wedding, it’s ruined!"
—Hecate after she finds out Chef Moore is in Paris.[src]

Hecate is the (presumably) self-proclaimed "Queen of the Underworld" who comes to earth every 200 years to find an innocent man from a well-born family and put him under her spell so she can create a demonic spawn. She was the first upper-level demon encountered by the Charmed Ones.

Hecate must marry an innocent man in a sanctified wedding before being impregnated. That way, her child would look human on the outside, but internally and mentally, he would be pure demon. Her spell can only be broken by a declaration of true love and a sealed kiss. She can cursed into a special 14th century Italian dagger called the Jeweled Poignard of the Order of the Stephanine Cross.


Arrival at the Spencer Estate

Jade: What's the matter? Forget about our little pact?
Grace: No, Jade, but I was hoping that you did. My God, you haven't aged in twenty years
Jade: You could've asked for eternal youth, Grace, instead of choosing wealth, power, all this. You've had a good life, haven't you?

In 1998, Eliot Spencer and Allison Michaels were happily in love. They planned to be married very soon, until a beautiful blonde named Jade D'mon arrived. She reminded Mrs. Spencer of a Faustian deal they made 20 years earlier. In return for making Mrs. Spencer one of the richest women in San Francisco, Jade wanted the hand of her eldest son. Suddenly, Jade waved her hand, and Elliot fell unconscious. Under the influence of a spell, he proposed to Jade.

Father Trask Makes an Attempt on Her Life

Jade: Father Trask
Father Trask: I banish thee back to the underworld, Hecate
Jade: Not today, Trask

Piper and Phoebe Halliwell were catering the Spencer wedding for Quake. As the two enter the Spencer estate, a priest, Father Trask, appeared. He tried to warn Piper of Hecate, as security guards threw him out. Allison slipped into the Spencer Estate and crept into Elliot's room. Just as they started to talk, Grace, Jade and Kirsten, one of the bridesmaids, walked in and hustled her back out. Elliot begged Kirsten not to harm Allison, and a visibly angry Jade pulled him back into the room.

Father Trask later snuck back into the estate in a delivery truck. He put on a deliveryman's uniform and took the Jeweled Poignard of the Order of the Stephanine Cross. He found Jade and raised the dagger, calling her Hecate. However, Jade was not alarmed, as Kirsten faded in behind Father Trask. She morphed into a demon and broke his neck. Jade had him thrown from her window. After the accident, Jade was being interviewed by inspectors Andy Trudeau and Darryl Morris. She claimed that Trask had lunged at her with the knife, but she ducked and he flew out the window. The two cops were skeptical, as Jade didn't seem upset at all and Trask landed too far from the window.

True identity revealed

Andy found the poignard and took it to Prue at Buckland Auction House. Prue did a quick search on her laptop and discovered that Jade was Hecate, while Piper learned that Elliot was supposed to marry Allison instead through the napkins.

The Bachelorette Party

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Hecate kills a stripper

Kristen: Mmm, he looks good enough to eat
Jade: Good idea

Despite everything, Hecate still threw a bachelorette party for herself and her bridesmaids. A stripped, dressed as a pizza deliveryman entered and began to strip. However, he was soon surrounded by the demons, intent on having him for dinner. Jade called them off and sunk her own claws into him.

The Wedding and Her Banishment

Hecate is defeted

Prue draws her into the dagger

"Alright, quick, we have to banish them back to the underworld."
—Prue, moments before banishing Hecate[src]

Allison got in touch with the sisters, and together, they crashed the wedding just as Hecate was about to marry Elliot. Hecate conjured a powerful windstorm with a spell and ran off with Elliot. The sisters ran after them and find them in Elliot's room just as Hecate is about to conceive a child with Elliot. The bridesmaids rushed in after them. Prue could not find the poignard, but Elliot picked it up. He raised the dagger, and Prue telekinetically drew Jade and her bridesmaids into it, banishing them to the Underworld.

Powers and Abilities

Hecate Atmokinesis

The result of Hecate's spell

Hecate human form

Hecate while in her human form

"By Asteria and Perses, open sky and do your worst!"
—Hecate conjures a thunder storm.[src]

Basic Powers

  • Spell Casting: The ability to cast spells and perform rituals. Using a spell, Hecate called upon the powers of Asteria and Perses to summon a lightning storm.

Active Powers

Other Powers

  • Immortality: The ability to possess a possibly infinite lifespan and an arrested aging process.
  • High Resistance: The ability to be highly resistant to physical and magical harm.

Physical Appearance

While in her human form, Hecate is a beautiful, tall, platinum blonde. She looks just like a normal human being, but is very demanding--even more so than would be expected from a bride-to-be.

While in her Demonic form, she has many horns on her forehead, all of them black. She also has wrinkled, vainy skin and many lumps all over her body. She has long, black claws, which she used to kill a stripper with and sharp, canine teeth, which made her look even more ferocious.


Grace Spencer


Kristen; Hecate's head minion.

In 1978 (20 years before 1998), it was shown that Grace Spencer had made some sort of Faustian Deal with Hecate to be rich and successful. Instead of her soul as the price, however, Hecate wished for her first born male's hand in marriage so as to conceive an heir, posing as newly hired assistant Jade D'Mon to avoid suspicion. This left his true fiance Allison Michaels quite distraught.

Her Servants

Hecate had several demonic attendants, who posed as her bridesmaids in the wedding.  They all seemed very devoted to her, most of all Kristen, who appeared to be her favorite. Kristen was Hecate's head minion and posed as her maid of honor.



A replica of the webpage from Hecate.

Hecate Webpage

Hecate, Queen of the
Underworld, takes human
form every two hundred years,
coming to earth to marry a
mortal and give birth to the
demon child. (See Photo) To
do this, Hecate must catch an
Innocent to be her groom, put
him under a spell, and marry
him in a sanctified wedding.
In this way her child will grow
up looking normal, but
possessing a demon soul.
Those reputed to be Hecate’s
children are significant
throughout history.
See: Atilla the Hun, Genghis
Khan and Ivan the Terrible.

Hecate in Books

Phoebe saw a drawing of Hecate in a book and Prue saw it in a drawing on a website. She is drawn in her demon form holding her baby which has two little horns.

Background Information


Hecate, goddess of magic

Hecate, also spelled Hekate, is also called Agriope ('savage face'), she was the daughter of the Titan Perses and of Asteria, although sometimes it is said that Zeus himself fathered her, and she is the mother of Scylla. It is thought that she was also known as the dark side of the goddesses, Artemis, Selene, or Diana. She was said to have three faces, symbolizing her power over the underworld, earth, and air, thus she is sometimes depicted with three heads, that of a dog, a horse, and a lion. Sometimes she is also portrayed with a torch or with a pack of hounds. She was only worshipped at night by torchlight and dogs and black lambs were sacrificed to her -- hence her spell: By Asteria and Perses, open sky and do your worst!

Hecate is pretty much the goddess of life and death, and closely associated with the Underworld. The daughter of Titan Perses, she was greatly respected by Zeus, and was usually accompanied by a pack of dogs. She is also referred to as the goddess of witches. Besides controlling things of darkness and the night, Hecate was also called upon by women in childbirth in order to protect their child/children from evil spirits.

Notes and Trivia


The dress

  • Hecate is the first of several evil blondes that the Charmed Ones would face over the years.
  • Jade shares a similar last name with Drake dè Mon. Both names are demon when said quickly.
  • In her guest role on "Friends", Sarah Rose Peterson wore the same dress Shannen Doherty wore in a promo picture of Charmed.
  • In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Hecate is a Wiccan Goddess who is invoked upon in many spells. In Greek mythology, Hecate is the Goddess of Magic. In Charmed, she is a demon.
  • The spell Hecate used, To Create a Storm, invokes the Titans Asteria and Perses, who are the parents of the goddess Hecate in Greek mythology.
  • It was shown on the bonus feature, The Making of a Monster, how Hecate's face was made.


Hecate appeared in a total of 1 episode over the course of the series.

Season 1
The Wedding from Hell

