
Fine Romance was a dating service located in San Francisco. The service was used by the Succubus Darla to find her prey.


In 2000, the Succubus Darla started working at the dating service in order to find her prey. When the police tied two murder victims to the dating service, Darryl Morris asked the Charmed Ones to investigate. After a spell turned Prue into a man, he signs up for the dating service to lure the succubus into a trap. During this time, Piper also discovered Dan's sister had signed him up for the service. Piper takes Dan Gordon's file while Darla is frozen and watches his video.[1]


  • The dating service application fee was $3,500.
  • In "Lucky Charmed", it became known that Jason Dean bought up several dating services to help people find each other. Perhaps Fine Romance was one of them.


