
This Good Luck Spell was written and cast by Prue Halliwell to help Maggie Murphy, a future Whitelighter who was targeted by a Spirit Killer. It was used to erase her pain and her bad luck.


Maggie Murphy, a future Whitelighter, was supposed to get her picture taken by Prue Halliwell for her charity work. When Prue arrived, Maggie was about to jump off a building, having been driven there by the Spirit Killer. Prue astral projected to the roof to talk her out of it, but Maggie fell and Prue saved her life by moving her to safety. Prue later cast this spell on Maggie to relieve her pain and back luck. The spell canceled out the Spirit Killer's bad luck spell on Maggie and she was able to help people again. The Spirit Killer then targeted Prue instead, nearly driving her to commit suicide as well, which would break the spell and then he could go after Maggie again.

When Piper and Phoebe needed to find Prue before the Spirit Killer succeeded, they had Maggie point to a spot on a map, leading them to Prue and talked her into fighting the Spirit Killer's power over her.[1]


From this moment on
Your pain is erased,
Your bad luck as well,
Enjoy your good luck, Maggie,
You're free from this Hell.


See Also[]

