
Paige is at the manor, teaching Tyler, Kareem and Aidel to create effigies of their inner power as a form of mediation. Aidel notes that Tyler's effigy looks like he is in pain.


After finishing the lesson, Paige returns home and the twins take Henry Jr, as Henry has a romantic surprise planned. Tamora and Kat tell Paige that Phoebe is coming to pick them up. Phoebe is taking the kids to the manor so that Paige and Henry can be alone. He states that they still have a lot to talk about, but that he is tired of talking and is there for her as long as she wants.


Prue is standing outside of Paige's house and then teleports to the manor just as Phoebe arrives with Paige's kids. Prue has pent-up a lot of pain and anger since her death and subsequent return. Prue resents the fact that she was replaced in the Power of Three and wonders if Phoebe even mourned her. Prue feels like Piper and Phoebe have replaced her with Paige and resents the life that Paige got to have, whereas she'd lost hers when she was killed.

Prue is then happily greeted by Tamora and Kat, who tell her that Phoebe is sick. Phoebe is watching over all eight of their children at the manor. Prue goes to the bathroom to check on Phoebe. Phoebe has morning sickness and received a letter from Coop. He reveals that he has appealed to the court to have his sentence reversed, and is doing everything in his power to come home. Phoebe mentions that the New Tribunal still fears the Old Ones and Prue states that she would love to meet them.

Benjamin Turner is in a coffee shop with Kyra. He explains that he does not love Phoebe, but that things are confusing as he has Cole's body and memories. His son is the one who still loves Phoebe, not him. Kyra notes that she always picks guys with baggage. Prue is observing them and thinks about why she put Ben in Cole's body. She wonders if it was the Grimoire whispering to her or her soul searching for freedom.

Piper is visiting Victor and they talk about Prue. Piper is glad that she is back. Victor worries if Prue will give him another chance after disappointing her so many times. Unknown to both, Prue is spying on them from the fireplace. Piper suggests having dinner with Prue soon and leaves. When she is gone, Prue knocks on the door.


Victor makes Prue, while Piper realizes she forgot her phone and heads back. Victor notes that Piper is happy she can finally be around Prue without pain. Prue wonders why Victor never visited, as he would not have been affected by her power. Victor tries to explain, but Prue becomes angry and says she was never important to him. She screams at him for abandoning her over and over again, causing the windows to shatter. Her voice changes and her eyes glow as she says that Victor is scared of her. She flings him across the room and begins to suffocate him as she summons fire from the fireplace. Prue then senses Piper has returned. She teleports away and Piper rushes to Victor, who claims that it isn't Prue.


Prue teleports to Paige's home and shatters her phone so her sisters can't call her. She then goes to the manor and destroys the phone there as well. She goes to Phoebe and the kids. As Phoebe is tired, she asks Prue to watch the kids as she goes upstairs. Prue begins to tell the kids about the Old Ones, stating that they are in their hearts. Phoebe overhears and angrily confronts Prue after sending the kids away. Prue pulls out the Ancient Athame and tells Phoebe that she needs to realize the truth.


Phoebe levitates and kicks Prue, thinking something is wrong with her. Prue then blasts her through a wall. As Phoebe pleads for her child's life, Prue says she abandoned her family for a demon. She states that Phoebe mourned Cole more than she did her own sister. Prue screams why Phoebe didn't mourn for her and lashes out with the athame. Phoebe, in turn, uses her power of Psychic Reflection on Prue.

Wyatt and Chris wonder what they can do to stop Prue and save Phoebe, but Piper and Paige silently orb in with Tyler.

Phoebe overloads Prue's mind with memories. Prue claims that Phoebe tried to kill her, though Phoebe replies that she only tried to make Prue remember herself. Prue leaps at Phoebe, but Tyler opens a portal to send her away. Piper comforts Phoebe and they both cry, realizing that Prue is now their enemy. Paige asks Tyler where he sent Prue. He replies that he doesn't know, though the final image hints that Prue has been trapped in his effigy from earlier.

Previous Issue:
Happy Ending/Plot
Next Issue:
Tribunal and Tribulations/Plot

Episodes: Season 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
Comic: 9 - 10
