
Battle of the Hexes is the 8th episode of the eighth season and the 164th episode of Charmed.


For a complete plot of Battle of the Hexes, go here.
To read the full script of Battle of the Hexes, go here.

Phoebe and Billie discover a belt with superpowers that can turn the sexes against one another, while a power-hungry female demon uses Billie to achieve female domination.


Main Cast[]

Guest Stars[]

Special Musical Guest[]



Magical Notes[]


The entry in the Book.

Book of Shadows[]

To Call a Lost Witch[]

Power of the witches rise
Course unseen across the skies
Come to us who call you near
Come to us and settle here.

Magic School Book []


The entry in a Magic School Book.

Golden Belt of Gaea []

The Goddesses' gift to Hippolyta...
endows women wearing it with
transcendent powers...

To Release the Golden Belt of Gaea[]

For all the world to work as one,
In harmony it must be undone.


  • Zira's Potion: Brewed by Zira for Tai.
  • Phoebe made several potions trying to free Billie of the Golden Belt.
  • Piper and Phoebe made an Invisibility potion and a reversal potion to make Leo invisible and visible again.



  • Crystal of Kasimar: A powerful crystal mentioned by Sollal.
  • Scrying Crystal: A magical pendant used for scrying. Phoebe used it to scry for Billie.
  • Book of Shadows: The Halliwell Family's magical tome. In addition to spells and potion recipes, the Book of Shadows contains information on warlocks, demons, and other supernatural beings. It was created by their ancestor, Melinda Warren, and was passed down every generation.
  • Crystals: Used by Piper and Phoebe to trap Billie in a Crystal Cage.
  • Golden Belt of Gaea: a powerful belt that contains multiple powers.

Notes and Trivia[]


Holly with Christy.

Cultural References[]

  • The title is reference to the conflict between male and female gender roles.
  • Paige's line "Who are we, Charlie's witches?" is a reference to the TV show Charlie's Angels. A similar reference was made in "The Devil's Music" and "Someone to Witch Over Me".

Continuity Errors[]

  • When Zira is shown the page in the book depicting the Belt of Gaea, it is clear when compared to the other page that it has been added to the book (the page is discoloured, whilst the other is white).
  • In the book the demons find at Magic School, Hippolyta is misspelled "Hippolytal".
  • The professor calls Yin warm and Yang cold, while in reality, it is the other way around.
  • When Piper is in P3 arguing with Leo's music buddy, her arms change position between shots.


Episode Stills[]


Phoebe (talking about Agent Murphy): He's got a case files for us.
Paige: A case? What are we, Charlie's Witches? We don't work for him.
Phoebe: Well, apparently he seems to think that we do. Especially reminding me over and over that he bailed us out of our little jam.
Piper: That's blackmail.
Phoebe: No, That's your taxpayer dollars at work.
Paige: I have to go deal with a charge.
PhoebeNo, no, no, no, no, no, no. You are not dumping this in my lap, missy. I'm very busy too. I have dates, lots and lots of dates.
Piper: Are you trying to get pregnant again?
Phoebe: No. I'm trying to find love. So he wants us to go though boxes to see if we can find anything.
PiperHow many boxes? (on seeing them all.) You have got to be kidding me.... You know, Agent Murphy  can't make us do this on a weekly basis, it's boring.
PhoebeWell, if he does, we'll just turn him into a frog or something.

International Titles[]

  • French: La femme est l'avenir de l'homme (Woman is the Man's Future)
  • Czech: Souboj kouzel (Battle of Spells)
  • Slovak: Vojna pohlaví (War of Sex)
  • Spanish (Spain): La batalla de los maléficios (The Battle of the Hexes)
  • Spanish (Latin America): La Guerra de los Sexos (The War of the Sexes)
  • Serbian: Bitka Polova (Equality Battle)
  • Italian: La battaglia dei sessi (The battle of the sexes)
  • German: Yin und Yang (Yin and Yang)
  • Hungarian: A nemek harca (Battle of the Sexes)
Previous Episode:
The Lost Picture Show
Next Episode:
Hulkus Pocus
Episodes: Season 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
Comics: 9 - 10