
"I'm a humble servant of the Source, Zile. I get nothing other than the benefits we all reap whenever good is turned evil. "
Dantalian explains to Zile who she is.[src]

Dantalian was a powerful Dark Priestess and a reluctant servant to The Source of All Evil. Tired of her position and granting power to others, she manipulated the warlock Zile into doing her bidding. She succeeded in turning the Book of Shadows as well as The Charmed Ones temporarily evil.


Early life

For many years, Dantalian worked for other demons, specializing in wedding ceremonies that joined two evil beings in unholy matrimony.

Zile and Prue

Dantalian soon grew tired of merely bestowing great power on others and in an attempt to better her position, she sent a warlock after Prue Halliwell, in hopes of seducing her into a dark wedding and turning her evil. She made a potion that would paralyze Prue and render her unable to fight once Zile tricked her into his lair. Her real plan, however, was to possess the Book of Shadows. By this time, the Charmed Ones' magic had become so closely intertwined that if one sister turned evil, the other two would turn evil as well, and the evil would flow to the Book. Once the Book was evil, she planned to take it for herself. Zile thought that Dantalian was merely helping him get the power of the Charmed Ones, but didn't find out Dantalian had other ideas until she kissed him with the potion on her lips and knocked him unconscious.

Turning the Sisters Evil

Dantalian's plan worked, as the binding ceremony not only turned Prue into a warlock, but also turned Piper and Phoebe into warlocks as well. The evil flowed to the Book as well, and Dantalian was able to take hold of it. Piper and Phoebe caught her and briefly tortured her, even freezing and shattering her hand. She was able to get out of the manor, when Leo distracted Piper and Phoebe. Dantalian thus became the second evil being to get possession of the Book (after Abraxas). However, she was the first evil being to physically get the Book out of the manor. She's one of three evil beings to do so, the others being Bacarra and Zankou.

Killing Prue

In revenge, Dantalian tried to kill Prue. However, Piper and Phoebe were able to track her down by using their newfound blinking ability to focus on Prue. Dantalian then cast a spell on both Zile and Prue, which awakened them and turned them into her slaves. However, Piper froze Zile and shattered him, restoring the Charmed Ones and the Book from evil to good. Dantalian became afraid and tried to run away, but Piper froze her in her tracks. The sisters then strolled over to the Book of Shadows and found a spell to vanquished the helpless Priestess.

Powers and Abilities

Basic Powers
Active Powers
  • Fading: An energy based form of teleportation. Dantalian teleported by fading like a shadow.
  • Apportation: The ability to transport objects from one location to another.
  • Hypnosis: The ability to put others in a trance and make them do one's bidding.
Other Powers
  • Sensing: The ability to sense the location of other magical beings.
  • Cloaking: The ability to shield one's presence from the forces of Good.
  • High Resistance: The ability to be highly resistant to physical and magical harm.
  • Immortality: The ability to possess an infinite lifespan and an arrested aging process.

Notes and Trivia

  • Dantalian was the first evil being to successfully get the Book of Shadows out of the house.
  • Dantalian is an alternate name to Dantalion, a Great Duke of Hell with thirty-six legions of demons under his command, as described in the Ars Goetia, the first section of The Lesser Key of Solomon. Other names taken from this are Andras , Barbas , Shax and Asmodeus .
  • Dantalian is one of the few evil beings that has been seen by all four sisters, even though Paige only saw her in a flashback. Other evil beings that four sisters have seen/encounted include Shax, Barbas, and Cole.


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Dantalian appeared in a total of 1 episode over the course of the series.

Season 3
Bride and Gloom

